Thursday, February 21, 2008

AT&T Canada adding video to their marketing mix

Just a short post about how corporate giants like AT&T are starting to use more multimedia tools in their messaging. AT&T Canada recently opened a data center in Canada and have made a series of announcements about their capabilities to support multinational enterprises. This includes a very good series of white papers and research briefs about their various capabilities and their current state of thinking about the value proposition of hosted network services. They also have produced a couple of videos with their key executives expounding on these themes, and I was invited to contribute my thoughts on one of them (Globalization and Emerging Trends). All of this has just been posted to AT&T Canada�s website, where you can view the clips and download some of these materials.

It�s a pretty good effort and is more engaging than most other corporate web sites � not Marketing 2.0, but not 1.0 either � 1.5 is where I�d put it. Maybe add some blogging, interactive video, a wiki, a click-to-call � that would get us closer to 2.0. In time, in time. This takes me back to my post from Monday previewing Cisco�s Uber Networker announcement. Very slick, and much closer to 2.0. AT&T Canada isn�t there yet, but they�re definitely going in the right direction.

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1 comment:

  1. Posted by: jules

    I just watched the Hosting and Disaster Recovery video - great cameo appearance!

    I agree - it's a good video - better than standard advertising. And I love that AT&T used real people, and not actors.
