Friday, February 1, 2008

Busy Week/IP Essentials Webinar Recap

It's been a very full week, and I'm pretty tired.

Following the wake of many good things from last week's ITExpo, I've been quite busy managing the latest round of content updates to the IP Convergence TV portal, including 10 video interviews I conducted last week. 2 have been posted so far, and the rest will be coming in the next week or so.

Independently, I wrote my next column for TMCnet, which will probably run on Monday, and finalized a feature-length Q&A print interview, which will run in the next edition of Business Trends Quarterly - a magazine I highly recommend if you want the latest in industry analyst thinking. I've recently been asked to join their Editorial Advisory Board, and am quite looking forward to that. I've also been laying the groundwork for some upcoming industry events, including a few that I've had to turn away - can only be in one place at a time.

As most of you know, conferences usually have a long lead time, and this week has also kept me busy on an April event here in Toronto. It's the IT360 conference, and I'm the co-chair of the Unified Communications track, along with confrere Henry Dortmans. We've been putting a lot of time into this, and this week, the brochure finally came out. It's posted now on their website, and there's a lot going on there. We still have to flesh out a few spots, and we'll be back on track with this next week.

I also have some side things simmering along - some of which I've posted about before - that will become blog-worthy over the next couple of weeks. Plus, several business development seeds are set to come forth this month that will keep my business going in the right direction - gotta have that.

Finally, we had our IP Essentials webinar today. Catharine Trebnick of America's Growth Capital co-hosted this with me, and given this was our first webinar together, I think it went really well. A few hiccups with WebEx, but nothing we won't get right next time around. The turnout was quite good, and pretty much as expected.

If you missed it, there will be a full audio replay available in the next few days, and will be accessible at both AGC and my websites. The webinar was inspired by - and largely based on - Catharine's latest research report on the IP infrastructure space. I've cited this in an earlier post, as well as how to get a copy.

You can also get a copy of the presentation we used today, which includes excerpts from her report as well as my bullet talking points. We're happy to oblige, and you can request it from Catharine or me - just drop me a line. Looking ahead, we'd like to do this on a regular basis, and if this is of interest, let us know - we'd love to know there's support for it.

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