Friday, February 8, 2008

Helping Canadian Companies Sell Globally - Upcoming Teleforum

One of the biggest challenges facing Canadian companies is our small domestic market, especially for telecom. To succeed, you need to sell into other markets, which is something Canadians aren't by nature very good at.

That's a topic unto itself, and if you want to understand this challenge better and hear first hand how some local companies are doing it, you'll want to participate in an upcoming teleforum.

This teleforum is the first in a series being launched by colleague Mike Fox. He's a Toronto-based tech recruiter, and I've featured him on previous posts. His firm is called Brightlights, and you can register here as well as explore what his company does.

The first teleforum will be on Wednesday, February 20, and runs from 1 to 2 pm. Mike's guests will be the CEOs of MyThum Interactive and Opalis Software, and they'll be talking about topics such as what it takes to sell into markets outside of Canada and what types of talent they need to support that. I've posted about MyThum before and they're a great example of what Mike will be covering during the call. You can learn more about the session from a backgrounder Mike has prepared.

Unfortunately, I'll be out of town that day, so I'll miss the call. This shouldn't stop you, though, and if this topic is of interest, it will be time well spent.

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