Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Losing is as easy as 1-2-3 --- but hope awaits...

No, this isn't about YahGooSoft - how's that for a new name? How about Yahoogle? SoftGooHoo?

This is more to do with a strange alignment of numbers that only someone like me would ever pick up on.

My Boston teams are on a losing streak right now, just days after it was looking like this would be a once-in-a-lifetime Triple Crown year for winning three world championships. Not gonna happen now - and maybe never.

Since Sunday night....

Celtics lose by 1 - AGAIN - to Cleveland, 114-113
Bruins lose by 2 to Ottawa, 4-2
Patriots lose by 3 thanks to the Manning Miracle, 17-14

Yup, easy as 1-2-3 - lose, lose, lose. Is it just me, or isn't that a neat confluence of events?

There was similar alignment a few months back where on the same day, all 3 teams had the same number of wins - 11. Again, is it just me?

So, where's the hope?

Celtics - the Big Ticket will be back soon, and with a full lineup, they don't lose games like this.

Bruins - actually not much hope there at all. Classic middle-of-pack team, going nowhere. Will make the playoffs - who doesn't?, but won't get past the first round.

Patriots - should have won, but the football Gods deemed it was time to even the score and have the bounces go the other way for a change. Pats have won their share of Super Bowls by 3 points, so now it goes the other way. Don Shula is very happy. So is Terry Bradshaw. Both stand alone in the record books, and would have had to make room for the Pats had they won. Am still in shock over this one, but it's clear the Pats need more youth on the front line. To me, they've been running on fumes since the Ravens game, and haven't beaten anyone convincingly since. I think they simply ran out of gas, and got cocky near the end. Randy Moss's true colors came out when he celebrated his TD catch, and the Pats started to look a bit like the Rams team they knocked off the first time around. And of course, why did Belichick change his hoodie? Bad move - that was their mojo, man!!!

But the biggest hope of all - thought you'd never ask - of course, comes from the Red Sox, where Spring Training is a mere 7 days away. Time sure flies, and it will be a very welcome sign. I'll still be in disbelief over the Super Bowl, and a healthy dose of hardball optimism in February should go a long way to getting over Sunday's game.

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