Tuesday, March 11, 2008

IP Communications Insights is Launched

Well, the day has finally come. The venture I've been working on with fellow indie consultant, Marc Robins is finally hatched. We remain indie consultants, but are pitching our tent a bit further out under the guise of IP Communications Insights. The press release hit the wires this morning, and if you haven't seen it, you can read it here.

So, after reading the press release, I'd love for you to visit our portal, IP Communications Insights, and tell us what you think. We have a newsletter that you can subscribe to, with the first issue posted on the site. We're also launching our own branded industry studies, which we think will fill a growing need for independent analysis at an affordable price point. There's quite a bit more to explore at the portal, so take your time!

And more than anything else, we're trying to give a louder voice and a home for the independent analyst perspective. Marc and I have been doing our own thing for a while now, but together, we think this idea makes sense, and we very much want our portal to be a voice for other independent analysts and thought leaders.

More to come, for sure, but I have to get on my way to eComm now, and maybe I'll see you there, and we can talk more about it.

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  1. Posted by: nicole

    congratulations on the site. it will be a great tool...thanks!

  2. Posted by: Barbara French

    Jon, The new portal is great. Planning to follow it. I've posted the release and would like to do more. Let me know if I can help you and Marc spread the word to other indie analysts. Perhaps a short Q&A at Tekrati?
