Tuesday, April 1, 2008

IT360 Conference Coming Next Week

Time flies when you're busy, and I've been one of many people working in the background for the past few months on my part of the IT360 Conference coming here in Toronto next week. There aren't many conferences here in town for me to participate in, so I'm glad to have a chance to be part of the programming mix for this event.

I've posted about IT360 before, and along with Henry Dortmans, I'm co-chairing the Unified Communications track.

We've got a great lineup in place, and across the 3 days, you'll learn more than you need to about UC. If you're attending, I sure won't be hard to find, and I'll be most visible during two sessions in particular.

On Monday, I'm running a UC Overview tutorial from 1pm to 4pm, along with Simon Gwatkin of Mitel. Complementing my presentation, Simon will be doing some live demos of UC in action, so this should prove to be a very hands-on, multimedia session. Sort of like UC....

I'm also moderating a panel on Wednesday, bright and early at 8:30, on Vertical Market Scenarios. Simon will be with me on this one as well, along with Jeff Lowe from Telus. This will be another multimedia session, and by having both a vendor and carrier on the panel, we'll give the audience a pretty complete perspective on how UC can be tailored to add value for a specific line of business.

If you're in town, I hope you can make it!

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