Thursday, April 24, 2008

MetaSwitch Forum - Day 2

Just wanted to share a few highlights from today. More good sessions here, and I was a speaker on the "Drumming Up Business' session, which was fun and well attended.

David Axam's keynote about BT's 21CN plans...


Archie Manning - yes, local hero of NFL fame - gave a great lunch time motivational speech. He's not in my good books, since his kids have knocked out my Patriots 2 years running, but hey - they've also won the last 2 Super Bowls, so you gotta tip yer hat there!!! Boy, was he great, and the buzz about his talk was everywhere after lunch. Aastra was the sponsor of the lunch, so Yves Laliberte had the honors of introducing Mr. Manning.....


The session border controller panel...


The show floor, which was pretty hopping...


Aastra doing a demo in the presentation theater....


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