Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tech Target - Ask the Expert on UC

New things come my way all the time, and one of the most recent has
been with Tech Target. They run a group of IT and communications portals catering to a variety of topics, and for each one they have all sorts of resources, such as white papers, newsletters, webinars, etc. It's actually not that different from the portal I recently launched with my partner Marc Robins, IP Communications Insights.

Anyhow, Tech Target has invited me to be part of their roster and contribute on a few fronts. We're starting out with me handling various Ask the Expert inquiries, and the first batch have been under the umbrella of Unified Communications. They don't exactly fit there, but that's where these questions have been slotted, and my responses have just been published.

I've contributed answers to questions on four topics - benefits
of VoIP for travelers
, why VoIP is ready for mainstream use, issues
faced by VoIP vendors selling to enterprises
, and the difference between VoIP and IP telephony.

To review the responses, you have to register, but it just takes a minute and it's free. Would love to hear your comments if you have a chance to give these a read. I'm looking forward to doing more of these, and in due time, am pretty sure you'll see me doing other things with Tech Target.

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