Thursday, June 12, 2008

Max's Updated Blog

Well, here's the new and improved Max Arnold blog. My oldest son and geek-of-the-house has been blogging for a while and he's just taken things up a notch.

Max has gotten the blogging bug lately and has showed it first by giving his blog a re-do. It's got a whole new look and feel - not that easy on the eyes - but pretty sleek. You be the judge.

Second, he's been adding a fair bit of new content lately, based mostly on his revolving door love affair with smartphones. Over the past few months he's gone from using the iPhone, the Nokia e61i, the BlackBerry Curve 8320, the Samsung BlackjackII, and now it's back again to the iPhone. Have you got that?

Anyhow, he's been writing reviews for each of these, with his most recent post being his take on the just released Apple iPhone 3G. Max's writing has been steadily improving, and I think you'll agree his views are more advanced than

most 15 year olds.

He's also started using Twitter, and with school ending this week, I think he'll start becoming a power Twitterer (is that a word?) pretty soon.

So, I'm just puttig the word out that Max is blogging more regularly now, and I'd urge you to check it out, especially if you're a fan of smartphones - and a smart guy.

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