Thursday, June 26, 2008

RIM's Latest Numbers - My Take on BNN TV

Yesterday's earnings from RIM was a big event up here, as well as to anyone following the mobile device market, especially Blackberry and the iPhone.

BNN - Business Network News - is Canada's major financial news television channel, and I was their guest yesterday on After Hours just around closing time on the markets. They kept me on air for a while, and it was very much a real time segment. Before the earnings were announced, the host, Andrew Bell, had me provide an overview of RIM's market environment. Once the news came out we then moved on to talk about what the earnings results might mean. That was fun, as RIM's shares were off 10% in after hours trading, but by the time we were done, it was only off about 7%. So, maybe, just maybe traders were actually paying attention to what we were saying!

The interview runs about 16 minutes, and it's saved in two files. You can view the first segment here, which is the first 5 minutes. The second segment is longer, and the file is too large to upload to this server. I've got a Plan B, though. You can view both files off my website, as I have both segments uploaded there. Hope you like it.

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