Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Thursday Squawk Box - Join Me and Jazinga to Talk About SMB VoIP

Followers of my blog would know about fellow Canadian Alec Saunders and his daily Squawk Box broadcast. It's really a showcase for Iotum's conference calling application running on Facebook. He's been running these for a while, and continues to bring in great guests, and I highly recommend them.

Alec has asked me to fill in for the Thursday segment, so I'm giving you a heads-up now. On this Thursday's Squawk Box, I'll be chatting with Shidan Gouran, CTO of up and coming Toronto company, Jazinga. I've had nothing but good impressions about them, and on Squawk Box we'll talk about the market they're going after - SMB VoIP - and what makes their solution so special. I should know - I'm trialing it right now!

The program is at 11am EST, and should run about 1/2 hour. If you can't make it, as always, the audio will be posted on Alec's blog, and I'll share it here once it's ready.

As soon as Alec posts the Facebook invite for this segment, I'll get that up on my blog. Hope you can make it!

BTW, today is a big day in Iotum-land. They've got an exciting launch happening today, and I'll be posting about it later, once I have more time, and once the news is officially out. All I can say is that if you're a Bill Shatner fan, you'll definitely want to check this out. Actually, you can get a taste of this now on their website.

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