Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How to Stay Productive on the Road

Andy Abramson is widely regarded as one of the top bloggers in our space, and I cite him regularly. He's on the road again, this time on a two week European tour of duty, and his blog provides a great chronicle of the sights, sounds and tastes he's experiencing.

Aside from the travelogue posts, I really want to share one of his posts from Monday, which I only just now had a chance to review. For anyone who travels on a regular basis, his Global Nomad post is a must-read companion guide for staying productive. Andy's been living this life quite a while and is a great test case for anyone who wants or needs to use all the tools.

While many of the companies he cites are clients, that's besides the point. They're clients for a good reason. Andy lives the life they're catering to, so aside from helping them become more successful in the marketplace, he truly relies on their products/services for his everyday needs.

All I can say is read it for yourself, and I guarantee that if you travel regularly, you'll be nodding your head as you go through the list of all the great apps and services he's living and dying by. And I'm sure you'll you find a few new ones, which is really the payoff here. Andy sees it all, and he uses it all, so if you want to shorten the learning curve on how to be a global nomad, this is the post for you.

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