Monday, July 7, 2008

June Media Roundup

Not sure why I didn't do this sooner, but I've been wanting to post a monthly roundup of my recent media citings. A number of people keep mentioning articles where they see me cited, and sometimes I'm not even aware of them.

I try my best to post media citings in the right column of this blog page, but also thought it might be helpful to summarize recent citings in one post. June was a particularly busy month for being quoted in the tech/telecom media, as I was included in stories in both the U.S. and Canada, along with a TV appearance.

Business Week - "Home Phone Service for $10 a Month?"

BNN TV - RIM's Earnings/Outlook for Smartphones - "Cisco's Former Number Two Becomes Avaya's Number One" - "VoIP Supplier Guide Essentials"

Macworld - "Wireless Broadband to Drive iPhone 3G Sales"

U.S. News & World Report - "Look Out, Vonage. Here Comes magicJack"

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