Thursday, July 24, 2008

New Content on Tech Target - Unified Communications

I recently started contributing to Tech Target, which is a pretty rich source of content for all things IT and enterprise communications.

One of the features I support on occasion is called Ask The Expert, where I provide brief replies to questions submitted by readers. It's not a forum for in-depth analysis, but it creates some dialog among a wide range of industry experts. My latest set of replies was just posted, and if you're interested, you can read my take on three topics - should I keep my PBX?, the merits of desktop video, and the case for hosted VoIP. These links just take you to the front door, and you need to regiser to access the content. It's free and doesn't take long, so this shouldn't be a deterrent.

Aside from getting to my comments, registering gets you into the portal which is much broader than my contribution, and that's really the message here. It's nice to see my stuff, but I'm also waving the flag a bit here for Tech Target.

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