Wednesday, August 13, 2008

eComm 2009 Planning and Advisory Board Under Way

The date for eComm 2009 has now been set, and will be March 3-5, returning to the same venue in San Jose. The event is very much a work in progress, so there's not much more to share publicly, but as that changes, I'll keep you posted.

There was a ton of great content at the inaugural eComm, and Lee Dryburgh has labored long and hard to share as much of it as possible on the eComm website, and I urge you to spend some time on the eComm blog to see what you missed.

I've been asked to join the eComm Advisory Board, which I'm happy to be a part of. This will be made public when the eComm 2009 website is launched, and for now, all you can see is the 2008 Advisory Board.

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