Friday, August 8, 2008

July Media Roundup

I recently started doing a monthly roundup of media citings and now that I'm back from vacation, here's a quick summary of where I turned up during the month of July.

Ottawa Business Journal - Espial's outlook after acquiring Kasenna: "Taking Stock: Espying a Tough Road Ahead"

Business Week - "Can Cingular's Savior Work His Magic at Vonage?"

Chicago Sun-Times - Ifbyphone profile: "Answering the Call"

ITWorld Canada - "Rogers iPhone Rates Draw Canadian Users' Ire"

In addition, the following articles and commentaries of mine were published during July:

Service Provider Views - "SMB VoIP Trends -- Q&A with John Macario, Part 2"

Service Provider Views - "Tier 2/3 Service Providers: Leading the Way with VoIP"

Unified Communications News - "Social Media Challenges Reside with Users, not Technology" - "Can I Keep my PBX While Migrating to VoIP?" - "How Will Employee Desktop Video Use Affect our Network?" - "Making the Decision to Shift to Hosted VoIP"

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