Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Micromethod Acquired by Voxeo

Got some nice news to share about a former client that hit the wires this morning. Micromethod Technologies is a tiny company most of you have never heard about, and they've been quietly doing some leading edge work in the SIP server space.

Today, at their big industry event - SpeechTEK - Voxeo announced the acquisition of Micromethod. The news was a key highlight from their event today, and colleague Dan York provided a more detailed take on the Voxeo blog.

Last year, Micromethod engaged me to help find a buyer, and Voxeo was one of several companies we entered into discussions with. During this time I got to know Voxeo, and have since become a fan. Without getting into the details, it's a great fit for both companies. Micromethod gets exposure to a large customer base to put their applications/platform to work, and Voxeo gets some entry points into Asia as well as a tightly-knit developer team in China.

This deal came to fruition after my time with Micromethod, but I'm still very glad to see them get an exit and a home to keep their technology evolving. It's a good news story all around, and some nice validation that small startups can do well for themselves if they stick to their vision and hone in on the right targets.

Since we all have to make a living, I'll just leave you with this thought - if you're in a similar situation as Micromethod and need the benefit of a third party in this space, drop me a line. Similarly, if you're in Voxeo's shoes, and are looking for emerging companies with promising technology, I can probably be of help.

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