Friday, August 15, 2008

Service Provider Views - Updates on Jajah, Ribbit and Ifbyphone

My latest Service Provider Views column is running now on TMCnet. I've decided to revisit some companies from earlier columns who embody various aspects of the platform play - Ribbit, Jajah and Ifbyphone.

They've all had important news announcements recently that show how quickly this space is evolving. Actually, the news from Jajah was only announced this morning, so it's very fresh. I don't want to divert you from reading my article yet, but for convenience, you can pick up the press release from Jajah and Intel here - it's pretty interesting stuff.

Hopefully that will pique your interest in my article, and you can read that here. As always, comments are welcome, as are suggestions for other platform plays you'd like me to look at.

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