Tuesday, September 23, 2008

eComm 2009 Site Now Live

Just a quick post to let you know planning for eComm 2009 is well under way. Lots of work to do, and am contributing where I can as part of the Advisory Board.

The eComm 2009 website has recently gone live - unofficially - but it's there for you to check out. It's very much a work in progress, but you should at least bookmark it now. As the program firms up, we'll be updating the site, as well as other areas such as the Advisory Board section and the blog.

Lee Dryburgh remains the driving force behind eComm, but this time around, he's got more of a supporting cast, and I'm sure you'll like what you see once things fall into place.

The main message to communicate here is to follow the eComm blog. It hasn't been active lately, but over the next couple of weeks, those of us involved will start posting regularly. The idea is to use the blog as a forum to create broader dialog with everyone out there who would have an interest in this event. After all, it's a 2.0 type of event, so we need to use the tools to get the word out and get people behind it.

So, look for that soon, as well as here, as I'll be using my own blog to help create some viral support, as will other bloggers involved with the event.

Finally, for those of you who didn't get to the first eComm, Lee has done a great job of posting a lot of the content on the site - photos, presentations and videos. So, there's plenty there to keep you busy until the blog starts up again.

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