Tuesday, October 7, 2008

September Media Roundup

After a pretty quiet summer work-wise, new projects kept me busy last month, and will keep things going for a while yet. Project work aside, I managed to remain visible with the media, and turned up in a handful of stories.

Iristel's IP Mobility offering

Mitel/InterTel deal revisited

"Bell's Customers Left Wanting For Information"

VoIP market outlook

Note - soft copies available where online versions not accessible.

With conferences gearing up again, that means press releases and launches, and my comments were cited in a few places...

Jazinga's launch

Mobivox's PL launch

XConnect/Acme Packet SPIT solution

U4EA's wireless LAN launch for SMBs

I'm also a contributor to TechTarget.com, and had a few citings in their Ask The Expert column...

Using VoIP for overseas calls

Mobile VoIP on smartphones

Why bother with VoIP?

Using Skype for business

Finally, both of my September Service Provider Views columns on TMCnet were well received, so I know people are reading these things...

Is VoIP Dead?

Making Voice a Killer App

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