Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Service Provider Views - Managing in a Down Economy

My latest column for TMCnet is running now. This edition of Service Provider Views picks up from last month's theme about how carriers are being impacted by the economy. The health of service providers determines the health of vendors, and I have some thoughts on what's happening with both.

The main idea I'm trying to get across is that despite all the bad news, there are a number of companies bucking the trend, and are doing just fine. Apple is a a true anomaly, but there are quite a few companies peforming very well while their peers struggle along.

You can read the article here, and by all means, I'd love to hear your thoughts or other good news stories I've missed.

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  1. Posted by: Dhall

    I was reading this article about Vodafone and what their new CEO is planning. Take a look...


  2. Posted by: Jon Arnold

    Thanks Dhall - good article, and very much in line with what I've been seeing. I appreciate your sharing it here.
