Thursday, December 18, 2008

Blog Transition Coming Along

Just a quick note to say thanks to everyone who has picked up on my new blog home so quickly, and for those who have posted about it, Twittered about it, and updated their blog rolls. I've had a nice spike in traffic since Monday, so I know the word is getting out.

I have LOTS more outreach to do, and with so many lists and touchpoints, you may hear from me more than once - so apologies in advance. All I ask is that if you come across any citings or links to my blog that still have the old link, please let me know. I'm doing my best to update the ones I know about, but am sure I won't get them all. Thanks.


  1. jon,
    don't forget to update your blog link on your site:

    green menu, upper right

  2. Thanks for noticing! It's been fixed. I've got a LOT of links to update, but the website has been fully revised.
