Thursday, December 11, 2008

IP Convergence TV Update

Wanted to share with you the latest updates to the IP Convergence TV portal, for which I serve as Editor. This will be the last update for 2008, and there's a good mix of new content you won't find anywhere else.

We've got 4 new video interviews. They're all fairly short - under 5 minutes - and each has a distinct view on various opportunities that convergence technologies are presenting to service providers.

- Mitual Mehta of tekplus

- Andrew Haworth of FMCA

- Frederic Morris of Connect World

- Carine Ziol of Comverse

For Guest Opinions, we've got a new contributor from a company many of you are familiar with - Jajah. He's got an interesting take on why voice-based applications are so important for carriers.

- Frederik Hermann, Director of Marketing

Finally, my latest Convergence Blog post focus on strategies service providers are pursuing to manage in today's difficult economic climate.

I hope you come visit the portal soon, as there's lots of other good content from a wide variety of contributors, many of whom you'll know. And if you like what's there, I'd love to hear about it!

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