Friday, February 27, 2009

Clarification - VON is not gone

I just came across a FierceVoIP item from a couple of weeks ago that I feel needs to be clarified. This may be old news in terms of its publishing date, but given the content, there's enough relevance for what I'm up to right now and for anyone following the state of telecom/tech conferences.

In between the end of TMC's IT Expo earlier this month, and next week's eComm 2009, media colleague Doug Mohney wrote a piece titled: From VON to the trinity/quad-play of events.

The timing was appropriate, as many of us have been trying to figure out where the VON community would migrate to. Doug provides his thoughts on the various events where he sees different types of people gravitating to in 2009. The usual suspects are in there - IT Expo, eComm, VoiceCon and even SuperComm - and I don't take issue with any of that.

What really surprised me though, is his outright passing over of VON. The VON as we knew it is gone - no question there. And of course, that's the driving premise of his story - where are all those people going now? At the end of the article, he flatly states "VON gone".

Well, hold on a minute. That VON may be gone, but for the record, the VON franchise still exists, and will debut under new management - so to speak - this September. As you probably know, Virgo Publishing took on the remnants of VON a few months back, and are in the process of re-branding it under their roof. No doubt they have their work cut out, but they are giving it a go, so it's not fair to say that VON is totally gone.

Since Virgo competes with Fierce, I can see why it's not in Doug's interest to draw attention to them. Business is business, but the indie in me says we also have to keep the facts straight. The new VON may only have a faint pulse, and it may never recapture this community, but it's not totally gone. Time will tell, but let's see what unfolds.

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