Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Jajah's 2009 Telecom Industry Issues Index Published

I've got some industry research to share with you that was published yesterday. This is my second post about news coming from MWC - was hoping to post yesterday when it ran, but some minor production glitches needed fixing before I could do that.

Jajah recently engaged me to conduct some research on their behalf about what's on carrier's minds going into 2009. The finished product is called the 2009 Telecommunications Industry Issues Index, and the press release around it was distributed yesterday at MWC.

It's not a major piece of research, but we learned some interesting things about the role innovation and service creation plays for carriers, and how incumbents are struggling to deal with the market shift from wireline to wireless, as well as the threat posed by the Googles of the world. I'd sure love to do this research on a larger scale next time around, but I think it's pretty clear that carriers have a lot on their minds right now, and of course, Jajah has some ideas about how to address some of their challenges.

You can download the report from Jajah's website, and I'll soon be posting it to mine. Give it read, and let me know what you think.


  1. After Sype we can say Jajah and Truephone are the leaders of VoIP services, followers are Nimbuzz, vopium, yeigo and digspy. It’s a boom time in VoIP services and more and more services are coming in this industry.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Pawel. I agree, there's a lot of upside coming in this space, esp for mobile VoIP.
