Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Video Interview with Dan York

At TMC's IT Expo earlier this month, Dan York caught up with me for a video interview. He's been doing these as video podcasts for a while, and they're archived on Voxeo's Emerging Tech Talks portal. Dan wears many hats, and even though this is under the Voxeo banner, it's very much just a conversation between two industry watchers.

This segment is Emerging Tech Talk #21, and the interview was built around my impressions of the IT Expo as well as my views on what to expect at next month's eComm 2009. The interview runs a bit under 7 minutes, and you can view it here.

Thanks for chat, Dan, and I look forward to seeing you again at eComm!

1 comment:

  1. Jon,

    Thanks for your kind words. It was great to see you at ITEXPO and I'm looking forward to seeing you next week out at eComm!

