Wednesday, March 18, 2009

MyAlltop - Personal Websites Now Launched - I Got Mine

Am sure Guy Kawasaki will be familiar to many of you, and last year he launched an interesting blogging venture called Alltop. It's best described as a digital magazine rack, where you can quickly scan the latest post headlines from the top blogs on a particular topic.

Alltop covers a whole range of topics beyond tech. There are lots of lifestyle categories, and I find some of these just as interesting as the tech stuff. One of the tech categories is VoIP, and I'm glad to say that my blog is included there.

Yesterday, Alltop launched the next iteration of Alltop - MyAlltop. In the spirit of social networking and personal portals, each Alltop contributor can now have their own webpage where we round up our own personal favorite blogs from across the spectrum of blogs covered by Alltop. I've only explored a fraction of all the Alltop blogs, but I've listed my favorites, and you can see them on my personalized Alltop webpage. It's mostly VoIP and telecom, but I have some Red Sox and Judaica, and others will come over time. There's also a Facebook link, so if you're in my group of contacts, you'll be hearing about MyAlltop there.

So, if you want to know what I'm reading and following, MyAlltop is one way to stay connected.


  1. 2 things.

    1) How come my blog isn't included?

    2) Why is this (Alltop) better than and RSS reader? I find RSS so nice because it keeps track of things I've already seen. I like Guy, but I've never really found Alltop very useful.

  2. Thanks for the comment. I don't pick the blogs for Alltop, but they're open to suggestion. Drop me a line - I might be able to help with that.

    To me, Alltop is another variation of RSS. I find it very handy - on one screen I can see the latest headlines for all the blogs I'm following in that group. It's also more social - it's a good way to see what other people are reading.

  3. Cool, another way to stalk you! ;)
