Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Vayyoo Service Now Launched

I wasn't able to post about this at eComm last week, but I was using their service then, and posting with it to my blog. I'm referring to Ottawa-based Vayyoo, who had their official launch last week of vPost for BlackBerry users.

vPost is this cool application that allows you to capture and upload multimedia content on your BlackBerry smartphone device to an online destination, whether that's your blog, website, etc. It's easy to upload one item at a time today - an email, a photo, a video snippet, etc. However, it's much harder to upload multiple items at once, so vPost can be a real time saver. Plus it allows you to integrate the content, such as annotating a photo. vPost is a natural for power bloggers, social networking junkies, mobile workers or anyone who wants/needs to post information in near real-time to a broader community. Think of being at a music event with your friends, or a journalist with breaking news on location.

vPost got a nice review the other day on CNET/Webware, so if you don't believe me, give this a read. This is just the beginning for Vayyoo, and as things progress, they'll be extending this application to other mobile platforms, so don't worry if you're not a BlackBerry user.

I'll have more to say about Vayyoo as I have more time to use it and as they build on this announcement. For transparency, I will note that I'm an Advisor to Vayyoo, but that aside, you have to admit it's a pretty neat application!

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