Friday, April 3, 2009

Next Stop - MetaSwitch Forum 2009

The MetaSwitch Forum is one of the best customer events going, and I'm really looking forward to attending again this year.

UPDATE - due to a late scheduling change, I'm going to be moderating one of the panels now. It's on Thursday morning, and is about one of my favorite topics - strategies for succeeding with VoIP in the consumer space. Most of MetaSwitch's customers are Tier 3 operators, many of whom are in rural markets. The competition may not be as intense as in larger centers, but it's still a factor, and VoIP is relatively new for consumers. Should be an interesting session, and you can learn more about it here:

Time to Raise or Fold? Consumer Telephony Strategies in a Down Economy

It says a lot in this economy for companies like MetaSwitch who are still willing and able to do events on this scale in Las Vegas. The important thing is that they value their customers, and they use this forum not just as a way to show it on an individual basis, but also to build community. All customer events strive to do this, but there's no doubt in my mind it's very real here.

The forum is also a great way to showcase their latest solutions as well as their technology partners, such as ADTRAN, Acme Packet, Aastra, Occam Networks and many others. Am very much looking forward to getting all the updates and spending time with the MetaSwitch team - as well as their partners and of course the customers.

Customer events are usually pretty closed, and I'm one of only a handful of outsiders attending, so if you follow MetaSwitch, you'll want to keep tabs on my blog.

Aside from the business aspect of the forum, MetaSwitch always runs a fun event. It will be pretty hard to top last year's New Orleans forum, but I think we'll do just fine in Las Vegas.

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