Wednesday, June 3, 2009

MeDe8 - Thought Leadership Portal/Advisors Announced

We're all trying to find new and creative ways to grow in this economy, especially us indies. I've been looking at a number of new ideas - some have come to me, and I've found some others. Over the next week or two, I expect to have a few new things to share about these opportunities, and am starting with one right here.

I've been in touch recently with a U.K.-based outfit called Mediate Group. They launched their thought leadership portal a few weeks back, and I've been invited to join their Advisory Board. Their website doesn't have much public content yet, but that's coming. A core concept they use is R2M - route to market - and with the help participating analysts, their goal is to demonstrate thought leadership along these lines for tech companies.

You can read more about MeDe8 and today's Advisory Board announcement here. MeDe8 is aiming for a global reach, which certainly helps my R2M plans, and I look forward to contributing there soon.

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