Monday, June 29, 2009

Updated Affiliation with Unified Communications Strategies

I've been an occasional contributor to the Unified Communications Strategies portal for quite some time, and there's definitely a great group of people behind it. This is mainly the product of Jim Burton, but it's grown well beyond that, and invariably my path crosses with at least one UCS consultant at industry events. My last event was Mitel, and I got to spend time there with Blair Pleasant, who works closely with Jim expanding UCS into a true destination portal for all things UC.

Since so much of my work these days touches on UC, it's a good time to get close to their group, and that has now taken the form of me being classed as a UC Expert. As the link will show you, this puts me in pretty good company, among people I see regularly and whose views I definitely trust.
As this relationship takes shape, expect to see some exclusive contributions from me on the portal, and I hope to participate in upcoming events such as webinars or podcasts, so stay tuned. And most important of all, if you follow UC, you should bookmark UCS now and make sure to visit often! Hopefully I've given you another reason to do so.

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