Friday, July 24, 2009

Smart Grid - Smart Utilities, Smart Homes, Smart Opportunity

Just a quick update on my new venture. I have formed a new partnership and on Monday, we'll be announcing a first-of-its kind event focused on the Smart Grid space. Our vision is to bring the worlds of energy, telecom and IT together with a common focus of creating the opportunities and ways forward into this huge new world.

Unlike telecom and the seismic shift to packet networks, Smart Grid has the force of government policy and funding behind, and there's no doubt this transition is going to happen. We believe the time is right to create a forum and community to bring these worlds together, and you'll hear more about it for real on Monday. In addition to the event, we'll also be launching a portal dedicated to Smart Grid thought leadership, and you'll be seeing lots of content from myself and others there quite soon. Should be a pretty exciting next few weeks - hope you'll check this out, and by all means I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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