Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Google Voice - UC Strategies Roundtable Podcast

Yesterday's UC Strategies podcast topic was Google Voice, which is a pretty interesting topic. Everyone has an opinion, and we had a lively roundtable discussion about it. Most of us - myself included - do not see Google Voice being a real enterprise-class offering, but it can certainly find a home with SMB/SOHO users. I do see opportunity for GV in the enterprise market, but more as part of the overall Google Wave concept, and more as an application to voice-enable other things as opposed to being a substitute for telephony.

And of course, we think GV has lots of legs in the consumer space, and some good examples were given as to how great a fit it will be on college campuses, as kids go back to school and need to get set up there.

Anyhow, why don't you give it a listen to get the whole story? I don't chime in until the end, but I'm just one of many voices, and there's a lot worth listening to here. To download the podcast, here's the link from the UCS site.

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