Tuesday, October 27, 2009

BroadSoft Connections - Day 1

Finally getting a chance to post about BroadSoft Connections here in Scottsdale. Broadband service has been a bit problematic, let's just say. I'm convinced that the fancier the hotel, the worse the broadband experience is. And this is a pretty fancy hotel.

Enough whining. I'm now WAY behind on everything, so this is my first post from Day 1. I just have time to get some quick photos up, and will add commentary later. Got more photos coming too. Overall, I'll just say this event keeps getting both bigger and better, and the buzz here is as strong as you'll see at any industry event.

Voice and Vision - that's the theme for this year, and BroadSoft is breaking new ground in both spaces.

CEO Mike Tessler kicking things off. He cited some stats to illustrate their growth from last year, and it's pretty impressive given the tough economy.

Author Nicolas Carr - pretty interesting talk about why cloud services is gaining traction and what this means for the future of IT - and by extension communications services in a Web 2.0 world

Lunch - it's not like this back in Toronto...

Peter Radizeski's afternoon panel on SIP Trunking

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