Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fonolo - More Good News From Canada

I've been following Fonolo for some time, and have been posting recently about a few good news stories coming out of Canada's tech/telecom sector. You may recall a recent post where I highlighted the news that Fonolo made Time Magazine's list of Top 50 Websites for 2009.

That's a hard act to follow, but I wanted to continue the thread regarding subsequent accolades and developments for Fonolo. It seems that one thing leads to another, and I finally had the time to pull these all together.

First, if you haven't tried Fonolo, it's now easier than ever before. They've posted a widget now to their website where you can get a hands-on sample of the deep dialing concept. If you don't know what deep dialing is, you'll get it pretty quickly after trying any of the demos there. Have a look at the Fonolo Airlines widget and see for yourself.

From there, Fonolo has been getting some good media attention lately, and all of these are worth checking out.

- interview with Fonolo CEO Shai Berger on BNN TV. Shai does a great job outlining the problem set that Fonolo addresses and explains how it works in plain English. Here's the link.

- Fonolo goes viral, with this clip from KXLY TV in Spokane, Washington, that made its way to YouTube. We're not sure how this happened, but they picked up on Fonolo's buzz and did their own feature about the company and how deep dialing works. Gotta love that.

- Finally, our main national daily - the Globe & Mail - included Fonolo in a small business feature last week about some promising local Web 2.0 startups.

The media sometimes works in strange ways, and it's great to see Fonolo getting this breadth of attention and helping Canadian companies shine a little brighter. If more of our tech companies got coverage like this, I'll bet some of them just might get funding, and then we can really show the world what Canada can do in this space. Flag waving aside, I'd love to hear your thoughts on Fonolo and where else you think deep dialing would make your life easier.

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