Friday, October 16, 2009

Next Stop - Chicago and Supercomm

October is a busy month for me, and next week I'll be in Chicago for part of Supercomm. I haven't been to this event recently, and it's gone through a few iterations, but I'm looking forward to being there.

My main involvement will be moderating a panel on telepresence, and I'll be joined by Telus, Cisco and Orange/i3 Forum. With this mix, the focus will be more carrier-centric, which is a nice change from TP sessions that are typically built around the end users.

I can't seem to find a direct link to the session on their website, so if you want to learn more, the easiest way is via this link on my website, where I explain how to find it. In short, the session is on Wednesday at 4:05, Room W183C. Hope to see you there.

Otherwise, I'll be there through Thursday, and plan to spend that day in meetings, walking the floor, catching up with people, and if I'm lucky actually seeing some sessions or speakers!


  1. Looking forward to your panel at the show. Here's the link to the session in case your interested:

    Also, more details are here:

  2. Thanks for the comment, but unfortunately, those links don't get you there. I tried those too, but they're not a direct path to our session. Their website design is a bit odd this way - I've never come across this problem with other conferences.
