Thursday, October 1, 2009

Next Stop - Indianapolis and ININ

October is the busiest travel month I've had in a long time, and my first stop is Indianapolis for Interactive Intelligence's Global 2009 Partner Conference. I've been learning more about them recently, and they're doing some interesting things, especially in terms of integrating their contact center applications with business processes. There's lots of room for improvement here, and ININ has done a lot of reverse engineering to figure out how communications technologies can be tied to these processes to make them more efficient.

It's my first ININ partner event, and I'm looking forward to meeting their whole team and learning more about where they're adding value in a space that needs a lot of help.

On the fun side, they're having a Battle of the Bands event, and I'm going to be in one of the groups. I don't play music as much as I used to, but still love it, and couldn't resist throwing my hat into the ring. It looks like one of the names I came up with is going to stick - The Dead Circuits - and as the email threads get longer, this thing is somehow coming together. Time to tune up the guitar...

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