Friday, October 23, 2009

Supercomm Wrapup

Just a quick post to say that my walk-about day at Supercomm was pretty good. Lots of good meetings and briefings, although I can't say I saw anything really ground-breaking. Lots of big name exhibitors, but unless I missed something, I didn't see Cisco or Microsoft. I know the audience is service provider focused, and the legacy vendors were certainly there, even Nortel - although am not sure if I saw Alcatel Lucent.

Anyhow, if there was one takeaway of note for me, it was the strong presence of Asian companies, especially Huawei, Fujitsu, Samsung and Hitachi. Am sure there were others, and I did pass by a Korean pavilion a few times as well. A lot of talk here about how Huawei is making strides, and it's hard to ignore them given all the resources at their disposal. Enough for now - time to get to the airport.

Ibrahim Gedeon - Telus CTO, at a press/analyst reception they hosted at the end of the day

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