Wednesday, November 4, 2009

October Media Roundup

Not a lot to report for media coverage last month, but for good reason. October was my busiest month travel-wise in ages, plus I had two new projects underway that kept me pretty focused. Plus, planning for the next Smart Grid Summit is in full swing. For regular readers, you'll know that this is becoming an important focus for me, and I'm regularly posting content to our Smart Grid portal, but not normally citing any of that here.

With that said, here's where I turned up otherwise last month. First, a mainstream business citing:

- Business Week - "Vonage: Smartphone Apps for International Calls"

Next, I was interviewed by about Smart Grid. Ok, yes it's Smart Grid, but I'm not usually the subject of an interview...

- "Smart Grid in an ICT Eye"

For TMCnet, my regular Service Provider Views columns:

"Why Skype is Good News for Service Providers, Part 2"

"Service Providers: Be Careful What You Wish For"

Finally, I was quoted in a press release from, a company I've been close to since inception. Long time industry colleague Ari Rabban is their CEO, and he's really moving this company ahead. They just keep adding features, and in time, I really think they're going to validate the web-based hosted model for SOHO and home communications.

If you haven't checked them out, you should. It's pretty hard to get more for your money, and they really get it when it comes to innovation and constantly building on their value proposition. Ok - commericial over - here's the press release. I should add that Jeff Pulver was cited in this release as well, as it fits his current focus on HD voice. Nice to see Jeff turning up again in these circles!

" Launches First Hosted HD Voice Phone Network"

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