Tuesday, March 30, 2010

VoiceCon Recap

I don't usually post about shows I'm not attending, but this is worth doing for a couple of reasons. Last week was busy in telecom, with both this event and CTIA running. While I've never attended VoiceCon, this space has kept me busy in recent times. Anyone following the event will know there was lots of news, especially from the major vendors, and the show was generally very well received.

By now these stories are old news, but those who were there have had time to reflect, and I wanted to share two items that came out today. One is a post from colleague Dave Michels on No Jitter with his thoughts, and the other is a podcast from my broader set of colleagues at UC Strategies. I participate on their weekly podcasts when I can, but there wasn't much point yesterday, as they were sharing their highlights and takeaways of the show.

If all you do is check these out, you'll come away with a solid sense of what took place as well as being very up-to-date on the latest in enterprise communications. There's definitely a lot to keep track of, not just in terms of the technologies, but also what the key players are up to. I was especially glad to hear from Dave's post how strong the cloud/virtualization space has become - no surprise there - and how video has totally eclipsed voice in the big scheme of things. Again, I've been on that track for a while, and this trend is totally validated by the fact that VoiceCon is changing its name now. If you're curious, I'm not going to to give it away - I really want you check out these links, and it won't take long to get the answer there.

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