Friday, April 16, 2010

Industry Roundup Podcasts with Peter Radizeski

I've known Peter Radizeski for some time, and we often cross paths at industry and vendor events. Like me, he's an indie, and his company RAD-INFO helps service providers with marketing and business strategy. We have similar views on telecom, and he recently suggested we do some podcasts to share them with our followers. Good idea.

We did a couple last week, and I have the links now. Nothing fancy - just two guys doing their thing - but if you share our views, we hope you'll give them a listen. Our first podcast is basically about the state of Unified Communications, and the second podcast covers the broad world of cyber security, but more specifically my take on the Shadow Network story I had been writing about a few days before.

If you like what you hear, please let us know. We plan to do these on fairly regular basis, and if there are any topics you'd like us talk about, we're all ears.

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