Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Google Acquires Global IP Solutions!

This may not be news to you by now, but for the record, Global IP Solutions is being acquired by Google for $68.2 million. I got wind of this first from here, courtesy of GIPS's on-the-ball PR agency, HighTech PR.

The deal isn't that large, but it sure is a big story in the voice business. GIPS is truly a pioneer, and have long been the standard for IP voice and video codecs. Their roots go back to Skype's beginnings, and it's not all friendly. The main implication is that Google adds a really important piece to their voice portfolio, and by extension, takes GIPS out of the market for their competitors. If any of the IM/Web portals can truly take a run at Skype, it's Google, and that storyline just got stronger today.

There's a sidebar to this story that I just have to add. I've known about this since early this morning, and I Tweeted about it then. Not long after followed many Twitter posts from everyone else catching up on the news, and you don't have to look far to get a dozen or two reactions to the news.

I very much wanted to blog about this ASAP, but ironically, I'm presenting on webinar hosted by GIPS on Thursday, and we had to work through the draft early this morning. With the Google news, GIPS has had to alter their plans for the webinar, so things have been a bit hectic here, and I haven't had a chance to post until now.

The story has been Tweeted to death by now, and it really makes me wonder why we blog sometimes! Blogging definitely has its place, and many of my Tweets simply point back to my posts here, where I can actually write some thoughts beyond 140 characters. Anyhow, when it comes to news that you want to talk about, blogging now seems so painfully slow compared to the near immediacy of Twitter. I'm sure I'm not alone among bloggers who are struggling to figure out when and how best to use each tool. Never a dull moment....

1 comment:

  1. I saw GIPS at a conference in Vegas a few months ago and they were showing off uses for the LSVX video codec. Is this why Google was interested in Global IP? Does anyone know if GIPS owns the LSVX patent?
