Friday, July 16, 2010

Next Stop - San Diego - ShoreTel

I haven't been traveling much this year, but I have/had 3 trips out West during June and July. That's a lot for me, but after that, I'm done til the fall.

So, next week I'll be attending ShoreTel's analyst conference, which is part of their bigger partner event. This is my first ShoreTel analyst event, and I'm really looking forward to it, esp being out in San Diego. I've had opportunities to attend their events in the past, but the timing just never worked out.

ShoreTel's space has consolidated quite a bit, and while the big players keep getting bigger, they're hanging in there. Aside from the fact they are one of the few independents left, the company is performing quite well. Don't forget, they're public, and the markets haven't treated companies in this space very well lately. Last year around this time, the stock was touching $9, and it was recently about half of that. However, it's been steadily climbing back, and is now pushing up towards $6. I'm sure this upward trend reflects their continued strong performance, and by this time next week, I should be able to confirm that based on what we learn at their conference.

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