Monday, September 27, 2010

Metaswitch Forum - More Photos

Last week's Metaswitch Forum was as good as always, and the company sure is doing a lot of things right. Problem with going away for four days is that you fall behind on so many other things. At this point I only have time to post some photos from Days 2 and 3. With the Smart Grid Summit zooming up quickly, I just don't have time for a thoughtful recap - but if you catch me out in LA next week, we can chat over a beer!

So, Plan B is to share some more photos, and there's a Plan C coming - hopefully tomorrow. I managed to record some on-the-floor walkabout video interviews at the Forum, and just need some time to upload them for the blog. Stay tuned - there's some good stuff there!

Andy Randall - Defining our Decade presentation

Chris Mairs - CTO outlook - very thought provoking stuff

Al Cook, Mobility session

Partner Expo - busy, busy

ADTRAN's UC solution

NTCA's Kevin McGuire

Industry outlook panel, led by MC Steve Gleave

Wrap Q&A with Metaswitch's exec team

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