Monday, September 20, 2010

Next Stop - Orlando, Metaswitch Forum 2010

Travel has been quite light for me almost all year, actually, but starting tomorrow, I have 4 conferences over the next 5 weeks, so this is my heavy time for being on the road.

I'm heading to Orlando tomorrow for the Metaswitch Forum 2010. Regular readers will know that I'm a regular there, and am usually one of a handful of outsiders - analysts and media - who attend. As you may know, this event was scheduled for the spring, but heavy flooding in Nashville nixed that, so here we are in September going to Orlando.

Should be a great event. It always is, but this being 2010, they have a longer-view theme to help us all think big - "Define Your Decade". Metaswitch also faces a challenging environment to maintain their impressive growth record. Their main rival, BroadSoft, has struggled with their recent IPO, and the same can be said for Mitel, who plays in an adjacent space to their market. Cloud will be a big theme, and having recently acquired AppTrigger, they have added service broker capability, and along with that, a broader focus on creating and delivering money-making applications for carriers. Lots to think about here, and I'll be posting and Tweeting as time allows in Orlando.

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