Wednesday, October 27, 2010

BroadSoft Connections - Redefining Business Communications

The schedule didn't work for me to attend this year's BroadSoft Connections, but I was able to follow parts of the conference via streaming video. What I managed to see was very good, and this is one company that doesn't stand still. Of course, now that they're public, they definitely can't do that - way too many people are watching!

Anyhow, the innovation keeps coming, and with the launch of BroadCloud, they're keeping pace with this next evolution in communications - the shift to the cloud and hosted "infrastructure". They've come a long way from being an app server vendor, and made a great choice in having Toronto-based Don Tapscott do a keynote about the value of collaboration and how digital technologies are transforming virtually every type of industry and institution. He was his usual thought-provoking self, and gave the audience a lot to think about - and by association, how BroadSoft can help them stay on the right side of the innovation and value-creation curve.

I've distilled my thoughts into my latest Focus Brief, and it's running now on SMBs in particular can do well by BroadSoft, and your comments on the same are welcome - I'd especially like to hear from anyone attending Connections in person!


  1. I must have missed. Where was the streaming video? And is it archived?

  2. Hi Joe - it's not a public link and I don't know if there is an archive - probably not. It's part of the long relationship I've had with BroadSoft - that's all I can say.

  3. Lucky, I've done a fair amount with them for awhile too haha, couldn't make it down this year, would have loved to watch the video stream.


  4. Jon, Joe, both of you have missed good show. See you next year.

  5. I'll be looking forward to it, for sure, Padam.

  6. I want to be there for this show next year.

