Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Interactive Intelligence - More Photos

Interactive Intelligence's 2010 Partner Conference just wrapped up, and people sure have scattered in a hurry. Before flying out I wanted to quickly post a few more photos from the past 3 days. I'll be writing up a recap of the event for the UCStrategies portal, and hope to have that ready for tomorrow. Overall, the event was very worthwhile, and I hope to be back next year!

Day 1 - Knibbe Ranch dinner

A bit hokey, but very fun...

Hard to tell which is the real bull here...

Better her than me - most people lasted about 3 seconds on this thing.

Nice crescent moon peeking out above the trees.

Day 2 - Battle of the Bands

We didn't win, but it was fun. No chance to play or rehearse with instruments before hitting the stage, but we managed ok. Photos and video clips will be coming from ININ soon!

Here's the house band's guitar/amp that I got to play - very nice. It was a big room - pretty nervous, but it goes by in a flash once you're up there.

Day 3 - Don Brown's Road Ahead wrapup

Good session to finish up today with CEO Don Brown giving us more guidance as to where the company is going 2011. Their biggest news here was the release of CIC 4.0, and Don was telling us a bit about what's already in the works for 5.0. We also got more insight about how IPA is evolving, and the company's overall focus to boost its branding and expand into more global markets. This company seems very much on the ball, I definitely plan to follow them even more closely now.

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