Friday, October 1, 2010

Next Stop - LA - Smart Grid Time

Well, the Smart Grid Summit is finally here. It's been a long time since the last one, which means we've had a lot of time to get this one ready. It's ready now, and I'm flying to LA on Sunday.

If you follow my blog or my tweets, you'll know what's happening around this, and if not, it's not too late to get up to speed. Anyhow, if smart grid is on your radar, you won't be disappointed if you can join us next week at the summit. All the details are on the website, and if you can't make it, follow the tweets and check in with us on the Smart Grid portal.

Just to be sure, I'll reiterate that our summit is co-located with TMC's flagship event, the IT Expo. Now in its 11th year, I don't think you'll find a bigger or better conference anywhere in the communications space. Smart grid is very much about communications, and that's why we're there. Hope you'll be there too!

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