Thursday, December 9, 2010

Acme Packet Visit - From Bedford to Boston

Had a pretty full day yesterday here in Boston. I'm here mainly for Acme Packet's first analyst day, which also serves as a nice welcome event for their new HQ in Bedford, MA. I've been on a good run lately attending vendor events, and while most of these companies are doing very well, it's hard to argue that nobody is hotter than Acme right now.

As many of you may know, I've followed Acme from the beginning, so it's a familiar story for me, but much less so for others, including several of the analysts in attendance with me. In my mind, it's all good, and in short, it's Acme's time. Going forward, it will be hard not to come across them, especially when talking about how service providers are going to scale up their networks for IP.

I'm not going to give you chapter and verse here, but Acme is a good story and if session border controllers aren't in your lexicon yet, then you're missing out on an important piece of the IP landscape.

You'll be seeing more of this logo as SBCs become better understood.

Don't let the simple sign fool you. SBCs are complex, and you don't get far around here if you're not an engineer.

Steve Collins and his opening preso

Andy Ory - just talking and engaging us about the big picture challenges that all service providers face. He's got great vision, and I could listen to - and talk with - him all day. With this kind of leadership, it's not hard to see why Acme is so successful.

Seamus Hourihan - deeper dive on what's new

From Bedford to Boston. Lucky me, I got to go the Celtics game last night. I've never been to the "new Gahden", and it was better than expected. Had a great time, the seats were primo, and until you see NBA players up this close, it's hard to understand just how big these guys are compared to everyone else - esp little people like me! :-) I'm a pretty good jump shooter, but that won't take me very far with this crowd.

KG doing his pre-game ritual

Hey look, a Canadian flag - cool! Hey look, championship banners - even cooler!! The mantra around is "it's all about 18". I'm pretty confident they have the right mix this year win #18, unless they get derailed by injuries like the Red Sox did last year.

Shaq at the line - always an adventure...

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