Friday, December 3, 2010

ADTRAN Connect 2010 - Day 1 Photos

Had a great time at ADTRAN's press/analyst event in Huntsville. Between having very sporadic broadband (why does this happen so often at telecom events?) and getting in very late last night, there hasn't been much time to blog. I only have time right now to post some photos from Day 1 - Day 2 will follow, as will some narrative.

Gary Bolton - opening presentation

Gary leading the executive leadership panel with CEO/Chairman Tom Stanton and the GMs of each division - Jay Wilson for Carrier Networks, and Rick Schansman for Enterprise Networks

Darrell Brown - future of broadband presentation

Joy Eldred from Frontier Communications - great review of how they've grown with ADTRAN, after absorbing a lot of Verizon subscribers

Kevin Morgan leading the broadband stimulus panel - very interesting topic!


  1. Thank you for posting! Do you mind if we add these photos to our facebook page?


  2. You're welcome! Sure, of course you can. Got another batch coming for Monday. I'll check out your FB page now.
